Thursday, January 31, 2008

i think she's officially 5 now...

"Tiffany dear, Mrs Wall has to stay after school today to be a tutor."

"Mommy, what's a Tooter do?" 

The silly girl, had funniest look on her face with that question.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

chili con cornbread

Tonight we had chili and cornbread. Made my first batch (on-my-own) after doing a quick online search and then making a trip to the grocer for some much needed chili/cornbread staples. It was fun being domestic... even more fun to know that my DH would get to enjoy it with me. Here's the recipes I used: Day Before Chili and Cornbread. Only problem was that whoever developed the site didn't really use a proofer... since one would need to flour the bottom of the loaf pan rather than 'bottom the bottom of the loaf pan' as they so instructed and somehow in the list of ingredients of the chili they don't have the onion powder (that they instruct you to mix in later). I forsook the onion powder (didn't have any anyways) and proceeded to spray with oil and flour the loaf pan in advance. Everything turned out delicious... which is a good sign because as the title indicates this chili is best if made the day before and has a chance to sit in it's juices over night in the refridgerator. Mmmm.. Mmm... leftovers (or atleast my DH thinks so).

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

red nose rug-rats

Four boys. Red hair. Fiesty fire-balls.

6, 4, 2, and a new born (literally last week)... yah... 'nough said. (for now anyways).

Monday, January 21, 2008

reach out and touch someone

My two eldest nephews, Q and A, ages 8 and 6, have their very own cellphones. That's right folks they call me... and actually it's so cute to hear their little voices on the other line carrying the conversation like little men. Only they are more well versed than some older men I know. Anyhow, I love how even though we're days apart by travel we're only a phone call away.

The oldest, Q, called me the day after New Years' saying: "I was just calling to see how your's and Uncle E's new years went." Precious boy.

Today the younger, A, called me just to tell me it was a holiday and that he didn't have to go to school today! You can imagine the glee behind that call and still I could sense the 'I-feel-so-grown-up'-ness behind his voice the whole time. What a sweetie!

*grin* it's a good thing that we have the same cell plan. thanks AT&T,, Cingular, whatever you're called these days.

2007 was a BIG YEAR

I would have to agree with Fishlamp when I look back on the year 2007. I too wanted to say that it was the most fabulous year yet, because about one-third the way through I met my dear sweet husband and we too got married at the close of the year, but instead I must admit "it was a very adult year." Events prior to meeting my husband were in truth very difficult but quite possibly very key in setting the tone on such an answer. And though there was our wedding a the close of the year there was also the laying-off of my job, so with two very big and new life changes to get accustomed to one can understand why I am both happy for the new year, and a bit off guard regarding it as well.

However with 2007 behind us, here's to all the wonderful things that 2008 will hold! For starters: My husband and I just celebrated our first month anniversary! :) Thanks hunny for the beautiful roses.

p.s. Fishlamp, I was super excited to hear that you and Shel got married. hurray!