My two eldest nephews, Q and A, ages 8 and 6, have their very own cellphones. That's right folks they call me... and actually it's so cute to hear their little voices on the other line carrying the conversation like little men. Only they are more well versed than some older men I know. Anyhow, I love how even though we're days apart by travel we're only a phone call away.
The oldest, Q, called me the day after New Years' saying: "I was just calling to see how your's and Uncle E's new years went." Precious boy.
Today the younger, A, called me just to tell me it was a holiday and that he didn't have to go to school today! You can imagine the glee behind that call and still I could sense the 'I-feel-so-grown-up'-ness behind his voice the whole time. What a sweetie!
*grin* it's a good thing that we have the same cell plan. thanks AT&T,, Cingular, whatever you're called these days.