Tuesday, April 25, 2006

run. walk. mosey.

Cuz... working out is hard to do. *grin*

I plan to run a 10K (or atleast most of it) this Saturday morning with a couple girlfriends of mine. It's called the TX ROUND UP. It's not like I've been training for it or anything, but last semester I was working out 5 days a week and feeling pretty great... running 3-4 miles in 30 minutes, so I thought, "Hmm... 10K, that's about 6 miles... doesn't sound too terrifying. I'll give it a try." However, I haven't been quite as diligent at the gym this semester. Last semester I worked out so much that I actually was 'in-shape'... but this semester, hahahaha... not quite. It's been so sporadic that I still get sore each week, and I don't think it's because I'm working new muscles, oh no, it's more likely that the time between such workouts creates an opportunity for muscle atrophy. Yah I think that's it, something like that.

Monday, April 10, 2006

it's beautiful!

Whee...! My first laptop.
The PowerBookG4, 12".
Say it with me now, "Awh,..."
There is a new member to my ever traveling crew... I haven't named him yet, as my sister has predicted I would, but I have been known to call him my 'honey'... though I don't believe that will stick as it shall be reserved for a more worthy subject. *wink* But it's he beautiful?! I know, I know... it's silly, but I just can't stop wisking my fingertips across his keys. *grin* I do belive that y'all will be hearing a lot more from me as the time allows.