Thursday, August 11, 2005

Text messages are cesspools for misunderstandings

Text messages are cesspools for misunderstandings. Why do I say this? Because one of my good friends just got 'dumped' by her bf via a text message. It's like any form of non-verbal, non-confronting communication... where people 'say' things and the other reads them however they like, with whatever inflection they deem worthy.. And wahla, a whole gamut of misunderstandings emerge. And the war begins. I'm mad at you because you're mad at me... Etc... Personally it's a chicken's way of communication... Allowingng one to say nearly anything, but always having the back door of claiming, I didn't mean it like that. (Which may be entirely true, but give me a break people, if you want to say something, do it to their face...Tell them in person. And if it can't wait, at least try a phone conversation where neither of you will hang up and both with listen and make sure each other realize and understand what is being said... Clear the air, so to speak).


Blogger The BLS said...

I got dumped via e-mail once.... yeah, I still make fun of that guy for being a coward. IRONIC TWIST: I was planning on breaking up with him the same day I got the e-mail, but I was going to do it face-to-face.

Seriously, though. That guy gives all guys a bad name. So very lame.

Fri Aug 12, 01:21:00 PM PDT  

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