broadway on ice

Over 20 in the cast, skating on a thin slab of ice at the Bass Concert Hall, no less.
Four fun-lovin' girls get all dressed up and attend Broadway on Ice on a fine January 31st, Tuesday evening in Austin... complete with an assortment of over 40 broadway melodies choreographed with precision and dazzling costumes and special guest appearances by olympic gold medalist Dorothy Hamill, Broadway's amazing vocalist of Phantom of the Opera Davis Gaines, and the songwriter, Emmy Award winner and Grammy nominee classical pianist and comic Dale-somebody-rather, which I later googled online and found that his name is Dale Gonyea. A very talented simply hilarious man in a tux wearing sparkly red converse hightops. *grin* Sadly there were no printed programs. The evening was a complete surprise... with rush-tickets priced at only $10 in the orchastra level, who could pass it up. A delight to view, a delight to hear, simply a delight all around. (ok i'm tired and it's beginning to show...). G'night all.
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