Thursday, December 15, 2005

the past is just the past

Well, so much has been said, both verbally and here in this blog over the past year... that indeed is evident. I have considered purging my posts as to leave no traces, much like a type of selective burning or atleast a spring cleaning, which would be time consuming, but I fear, though the past is the past and has definitely contributed to much of who I am today, knowledge of such past events and thoughts could certainly present problems in the future if not read with the view that the past is indeed just that, the past.

To purge or not to purge... atleast that is the thought. I have discovered as of yet the only way to save such a blog (rather than the whole 'delete this blog' option) would be to change my URL... but I like my clever URL: sleepywords has grown on me... I was thinking of doing this and then reinstating my sleepywords URL with a beautifully clean slate... Hmmm,... too much thinking... yes, indeed,... too much thinking. Would that deter my very blogosphere readers from my webspace? Well, you guys that read me, what do you think? Not that I can promise anything much at all, but well, I wouldn't mind hearing what you think.


Blogger Zen Wizard said...

Don't "Delete," if you want to remove it for a while go into edit and "Save as Draft."

Then if you have a change of heart you can always throw it back up there.

(This is advice from a "Deleter and Regretter.")

Thu Dec 15, 05:17:00 PM PST  
Blogger r.fuel said...

If you're uncomfortable with content you've posted, then follow the zen wizard's advice. Save it as a draft. The thoughts you've posted (and are now hesitant about leaving up) are nothing if not genuine. If you delete them, you'll never be able to examine those thoughts and learn from them.

Fri Dec 16, 08:06:00 AM PST  
Blogger mlejane said...

Firstly, thank you all... for reading and responding...

Zen Wizard: that's very good & practical advice, and I thank you.

r.fuel: It's true,... without something written atleast someplace it's hard to realize where you've come from if you can't look back to where you've been. Thanks.

fishlamp: thanks fish, it's great to know that 'who I am' isn't actually scaring people away instead. *sheepish grin*

Fri Dec 16, 12:00:00 PM PST  

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