Thursday, March 03, 2005

mystery: the same as He is

From the previous entry it is no surprise that God's Will in His economy is altogether wrapped up in these two great mysteries Christ and the church. The church is not a physical building on a street corner. The church is the Body of Christ. So the church is just Christ. Christ plus nothing else. Actually it is only the Christ in you that is the church. Just as Eve was built out of Adam's rib and is altogether a duplication/extension of him, the church was built out of Christ and is a duplication/extension of Himself. On the cross when Christ was pierced out flowed blood and water. The blood was for redeeming us from our fallen state and the water was for regenerating us with His divine life. This divine life imparted into his believers at their regeneration has the full capacity to work out God's eternal desire to bring us unto full maturity to be His counterpart, the Church, His Body and Bride, His eternal expression. Afterall, our God cannot marry something not of His species, His kind. Just as man does not marry monkey or dog, God could never marry man if He had not become a man Himself (a Godman, fully God and fully man at the same time) and if He had not as a Godman redeemed man through His death and became the life-giving Spirit in His resurrection to impart His divine life into man. This is a deep mystery, that sinners could be begotten of God and become the same as He is in life and nature but never in the Godhead. It's no wonder that the infinite God of this universe became a finite man. He Himself became a man so that this finite man could receive Him as his life to live by Him and grow unto maturity in His life for the corporate expression of God manifested in the flesh, which is the Church, the Body of Christ. (1 Timothy 3:15-16). "...and confessedly great is the mystery of godliness, God manifested in the flesh..." Setting aside our own preference and lives and letting Him live again in and through us is what Paul meant by "exercising ourselves unto godliness." When this happens the very God who became the man Jesus really lives again in man. When the Lord gains the cooperation of His many Sons (His chosen and redeemed people) the result is a corporate expression, the church. What a mystery this is! Woah, this is getting deep and profound. But I love it.


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